
Bud Granley Flying

This is one of the videos I made from Saturday’s Air show, and yes I got sunburned. More Videos are on my YouTube page.

Bud Granley Flying his Canadian T6 fighter at the McChord Air Expo Saturday 19 July 2008. Set to the music "Window To Your Soul" by Delerium.


What I'm doing this weekend

The McChord Air Expo


It's Free!

As a thank you to the Puget Sound communities, which have given McChord tremendous and unwavering support, the Air Expo 2008 will be a world-class event. In addition to a number of civilian and military flying acts and numerous static displays, the show features the Air Force's world-renowned aerial demonstration team, the Thunderbirds.

At McChord Air Force Base. Photos and "hopefully" a video to follow.

Update: I have photos and a movie at my geobent blog.
And has always lots more photos at my Flickr site.


A Little More

I love this song and when I was taking picture yesterday at the waterfront waiting for the fireworks to start I heard this song come on my iPod. With the beauty that was all around me it became a unexpected moment of prase. I think it would be a good thing to shair this with others.


Happy 4th

America is 232 years old today
