I think I got it, I think I've finally figured out how I'm going to link this blog with my homepage. I'm going to go back to using both of my web publishing programs. That will allow me and to open this in a window within my web page. I'm still thinking about getting me a program that will actually allow me to run this blog on my homepage as opposed to a hosting it here and linking to it there. Of course I would be an awful lot of work and require some knowledge I just do not as yet possess. Any way after I post this I will begin working on my new blog page I will also do some research on how I can host the blog where I'm at. So please be patient with me I haven't forgotten about you. And in return for your patients with me I will reward you with one of my beautiful photographs
I think I got it
What's this... A Post?
Ok so I did it again, I left this blog alone for a very long time. I would say I'm sorry but that would mean I would try not to let it happen again. That just not the way I do things :)
Hey someone actually responded to my poll question, cool.
So I haven't figured out how I'm going to integrate this into my web page but I'm still working on it. the issue is that I am using a program to build my web site but it has it's limits and I do too. I want to have it open in a window inside my web site so visitors don't have to leave to come here. I did it with front page. it seem to not be an option with Web Easy.
Well work is hard but going well and I am kinda in the dumps but I can get through it. My rent is going up and I'm not ready for it and I don't have the money to move but I'm sure I'll get something going. I can afford the new rent but I may have to drop some of my perks :( So anyway I read somewhere that a girl made a webpage to try to raise money to pay her bills, I would never do that, but I might put up a pay pal button (is that the same thing?)
The new E-George Update